Toyota to reveal Camatte57s concept at Tokyo Toy Show | Concept - Car News Jun 2013

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14:36 Tuesday 11 Jun 2013

The Tokyo Toy Show isn't the first place you'd expect to see a car manufacturer reveal its latest concept car, but it's the venue Toyota has chosen for the public debut of this, the Camatte57s.

Described by Toyota as a sporty, open-top, 'family-focussed' car, the Camatte57s is essentially a kit car which is simple enough to be assembled by children. It's based on a space frame chassis which is covered in 57 small, lightweight detachable panels which can be easily customised.

Toyota claims that by involving children in the process of choosing the shape and design of a car will help them learn more about motoring.

The Camatte57s is powered by an electric motor and although no performance figures have been released, we can't imagine that it's particularly fast. This is because the driver's seat and pedals can be adjusted so that even small children can drive the Camatte57s.

Toyota is keen to stress that the Camatte57s should only be used to help a child improve his or her driving skills "in appropriate, safe places, off the public highway." The right-hand rear seat has also been positioned to allow an adult rear passenger to assist with the steering and braking if needed.

Okay, so the Camatte57s isn't a particularly exciting bit of a kit if you're over the age of, say, 10; however, can you imagine how amazing it would be to be given one of these as a child? It's certainly a step up from one of those red and yellow Little Tikes cars.


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