Twitter users vote on Mercedes-Benz ad campaign | Car Talk - Car News Oct 2012

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10:11 Monday 08 Oct 2012

If you saw televised freak show that is 'The X Factor' on Saturday night, you'll have noticed that, in between the godawful manufactured boy-bands and hopeless wannabe Celine Dions, Mercedes launched a brand new advertising campaign for its new A-Class.

Now, we wouldn't normally tell you about an advertising campaign for a car, but Mercedes's #YOUDRIVE campaign is quite interesting.

Basically, the advert follows the story of a rapper's attempt to reach a secret gig in -- you guessed it -- a Mercedes A-Class. After it ended, viewers could use Twitter to tell Mercedes what they wanted the rapper and his female companion to do next.

Then, in true 'X Factor style', Merc then counted up the votes and showed the most popular outcome during the X Factor results show last night.

The #YOUDRIVE campaign is Mercedes's attempt to shed its OAP image and appeal to a younger demographic, and from what we've seen of the new A-Class, we think it might be on to a winner.

To see a video of the #YOUDRIVE advert, click on the image below.


Mercedes YOUDRIVE advert

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