Fiat Panda TwinAir sets Cape Town-London world record | Car Talk - Car News Feb 2013

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16:10 Wednesday 13 Feb 2013

A pair of British drivers have set two Guinness World Records by driving a Fiat Panda TwinAir 10,300 miles from Cape Town to London.

Adventurers Philip Young and Paul Brace set off from Cape Town on 1 February and drove through thirteen countries and two continents before arriving at finish line at Marble Arch on 11 February.

The pair took 10 days, 13 hours and 28 minutes, breaking both the record for Cape Town to London, which stood at 14 days, 19 hours and 26 minutes, and the London to Cape Town (any direction) record, which was 11 days, 14 hours and 11 minutes.

To complete the trip in their target time of under 11 days, Paul and Philip had to average 1,000 miles a day at an average speed of 40mph. What makes the team's feat even more astonishing is that they were in the baby of the Panda range -- the 875cc TwinAir -- and the car was in showroom specification apart from a few essential modifications, including an extra fuel tank, two spare wheels, stronger springs, sump guards and a relocated engine air intake.

"It has been a remarkable time on the road -- exciting and exhilarating -- and the Fiat Panda was amazing," said Philip Young. "The roads were treacherous, the heat unbearable and the timetable exhausting, but the car never missed a beat.

"This was an extremely tough journey, and Fiat can be proud of its reliability and ruggedness."


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