Jaguar presents Chris Froome with F-Type | Car Talk - Car News Jul 2013

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09:18 Tuesday 23 Jul 2013

If you quite fancy owning a Jaguar F-Type but can't afford the £58,520 asking price, we've found another way of getting behind the wheel. All you'll need is a helmet, a bicycle and the talent to ride said bicycle very quickly.

That's the approach Chris Froome has taken. Fresh from his success at this year's Tour de France, Jaguar has presented the Kenyan-born cycling ace with a brand-new F-Type painted in a distinctive yellow livery to match Froome's winning yellow jersey.

Jaguar had also contributed to the success of Froome's team, Team Sky, by providing a Jaguar XF Sportbrake as the team's official support vehicle.

Froome's Jag is the V6 S version with 375bhp, 339lb-ft of torque and a 0-62mph time of 4.9 seconds.

We'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate Froome on his momentous win and point out that we're not jealous at all. Git.


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