What's the plural of Prius? | Industry - Car News Jul 2012

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14:50 Tuesday 17 Jul 2012

Toyota has launched a campaign to have the public decide what the plural of Prius is. No really.

In what must be one of the most self-satisfied marketing campaigns ever, Toyota is offering fans the chance to decide upon the official pluralisation of the word Prius.

"It's a tricky question;" says Toyota, "now that our Prius collection has expanded what do we call the plural of Prius?" We can think of a few.

The options given to us are: Priuses (which, for anyone with more than seven brain cells is clearly the only logical answer), Prius, Pries, Prium, Prii and Prien.

Toyota ran the campaign in American last year and 'Prii' was the resounding winner. We don't know about you, but we're undecided between 'smugmobiles' and 'prat-chariots'.

Let us know what you think below.

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