Rolls-Royce celebrates Centenary in style | Industry - Car News Feb 2011

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11:56 Tuesday 21 Feb 2012

Rolls-Royce celebrated the centenary of its famous bonnet mascot by hosting a parade through London. One hundred cars drove through the capital to mark the 100th anniversary of the icon that was first introduced in 1911.

The procession began at Belgravia and came to a close at the Great Conservatory in West London. The cars wound their way past famous landmarks such as Piccadilly Circus, Big Ben and Trafalgar Square.  The parade route also passed the birthplace of Charles Rolls in Hill Street in Mayfair as well as the site of the studio where Charles Sykes designed the now iconic Ecstasy design on Brompton Road. The cars also drove passed Rolls Royce’s current home, Berkeley Square.

The cars that took part in the parade included a select group of Silver Spurs, Silver Shadows, Silver Ghosts and Silver Clouds as well as more modern cars such as the Phantom and Ghost.

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