Rolls-Royce announces electric test vehicle | Concept - Car News Feb 2011

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17:15 Wednesday 14 Mar 2012

Rolls-Royce today announced the development of a one-off electrically powered Phantom.

The 102EX will spend the year touring whilst Rolls-Royce researches the possibility of implementing alternative drivetrains in future cars.

The global tour will cover Europe, the Middle East, North America and Asia and owners will be given the opportunity to test drive the vehicle and offer their feedback. Rolls-Royce will be asking the opinions of members of the public, the global media, enthusiasts and owners of Rolls-Royce cars.

As yet there are no plans to put an electric Rolls-Royce into production and Rolls claims it wishes to address issues such as range and operation in cold climates before it considers developing a production version.

Rolls Royce CEO, Torsten Müller-Ötvös said, "I must be convinced that any alternative drive-train we choose for the future delivers an authentic Rolls-Royce experience. It must be a technology that is right for our customers, our brand and which sets us on a sound footing for a sustainable future."

The 102EX will debut at the Geneva Motor Show on 1st March.

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