Hyundai builds new test centre at the Nurburgring | Industry - Car News Jan 2013

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15:30 Monday 21 Jan 2013

Hyundai has announced its intention to build a new £4.5m vehicle test centre at the fearsome Nurburgring race track in Germany.

The new facility will be used by Hyundai's engineers to improve the quality and driving performance of the firm's European market cars. It will be Hyundai's second research and development centre in Europe -- Hyundai already owns a facility in Russelsheim, Germany, at which 95 per cent of the company's current European line-up was designed and engineered.

We spoke about Hyundai's astonishing success story a couple of weeks ago and this news underlines our point. It's genuinely amazing to think that just ten years ago Hyundai was struggling to build a car which wouldn't get its owners beaten up in the street, and now it's fine-tuning its chassis and suspension set-ups at the most demanding race track in the world.


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