First images of new Range Rover leaked | New Release - Car News Aug 2012

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09:16 Wednesday 15 Aug 2012

The first images of the new 2013 Range Rover have been leaked.

Land Rover has been very tight-lipped on the subject of the new Rangey and has desperately tried to keep the new car under wraps. However, these images appear to be genuine and give us a sneak peak as to what the 2013 Range Rover should look like.

The most noticeable difference between the new car and its predecessor is the design of the headlights. The new model sports elongated headlight clusters, similar to the Evoque's, rather than the block-shaped versions fitted to the old car.

Other visual cues which distinguish the Rangey from its predecessor include the more steeply-raked windscreen and the redesigned rear light clusters.

The new car should be around 400kg lighter than the old model thanks to its all-aluminium chassis, and this should pay dividends at the pumps. The old gas-guzzling V8 is rumoured to have been axed too, and the word is that the new model will be fitted with Jaguar's supercharged 3.0-litre V6.

If we're being honest, we're not totally sold on the look of the new car. A Range Rover should look statesmanlike and discreet, whereas the new model just looks a little chintzy. However, we'll reserve total judgement until we see it in the metal.

We'll keep you updated with news on the new Rangey when Land Rover reveals more details.

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