Used Bentley Cars for Sale

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54,000 miles
North Sands 8 miles from from NE1
2012 Bentley Continental Coupe
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62,000 miles
Border City Autos 20 Ltd 53 miles from from NE1
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Bentley is a British car brand owned by Volkswagen Group. It is renowned for producing hand-build luxury cars which are some of the most expensive cars on the market.

Bentley was founded in 1919 by Walter Owen Bentley, known as W.O. He had a passion for racing and wanted to achieve his dream of building a competitive race car. At the inaugural Le Mans 24 hour race a Bentley came 4th, before winning the following year. Further wins came in 1927, 1928, 1929 and 1930, cementing its reputation as a producer of quality sports cars.

Following the Wall Street crash and subsequent depression, there was a decline in demand for the expensive cars. Bentley fell into financial trouble and was bought by Rolls-Royce in 1931, with the racing programme being terminated.

There was resurgence in post war sales for Bentley, however by the 1970s and 1980s, sales had again dropped off. Rolls-Royce had to separate its car division from its aircraft engine production and Rolls-Royce Motors Limited was bought by Vickers PLC in 1980. Under Vickers, Bentley developed cars such as the Mulsanne and it was able to regain its high performance heritage and sporting image.

In 1998 Volkswagen bought Rolls-Royce Motors from Vickers.

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