UK engine manufacturing slump | Industry - Car News Aug 2019

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11:44 Tuesday 06 Aug 2019

New figures have laid bare the challenges facing the UK engine manufacturing industry.

With demand from both home and international markets falling by 16.9% and 7% respectively since the turn of the year, UK engine manufacturing as a whole has dropped by a tenth.

Mike Hawes, Chief Executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, said, “Ten successive months in engine output decline show the impact that Brexit uncertainty is having on the supply chain.  Industry needs stability in order to invest and grow, which right now means securing a future relationship with the EU that maintains free and frictionless trade with our key export markets.”

The automotive industry is a vital part of the UK economy accounting for £82 billion turnover and employing around 168,000 people directly in manufacturing, so the latest six-monthly figures for engine manufacturing undoubtedly come as a further blow to morale.


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