Nissan reveals new NV200 London taxi | Car Talk - Car News Aug 2012

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15:03 Monday 06 Aug 2012

If you took a random sample of foreigners and asked them to name five things that sum up London, the chances are that the black cab would be one of them.

It's as much a part of the fabric of the capital as Buckingham Palace, St Paul's Cathedral, and Japanese tourists who take photos of absolutely everything.

However, it appears that the writing is on the wall for the classic black cab, as Nissan has unveiled its vision of the future of London taxis.

The NV200 has already been heralded as New York's 'taxi of future'; however, our taxi drivers are a lot more discerning than Travis Bickle, so Nissan has had to go back to the drawing board and tweak the NV200 to meet Hackney Carriage requirements. This has meant tightening the turning circle (the new model can change direction in 25ft) and adding a slip-resistant floor.

Nissan has also had to change the engine for the UK market. In the USA -- where petrol is cheap and environmentalists are better known as "commie folk" -- the NV200 is fitted with a petrol engine. However, the London variant will be fitted with a 1.5-litre diesel unit which will make the NV200 about 50% more efficient than the cleanest of the current London cabs.

And on top of this, Nissan has plans to release an electric version of the taxi. Mad Boris intends to make all London taxis zero emissions by 2020, but Nissan claims that an electric version of the NV200 could be ready by 2014.

Not before time, perhaps. The current London black cab, the TXII, is basically a tarted-up version of a design which dates back to the 1940s. The NV200 might not have the charm of the current model, but it's a vastly superior machine.

So, are you pleased that London taxis are finally being dragged into the 21st century, or will you miss the traditional black cab? Comment below.

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