MINI reveals Campervan concepts | Concept - Car News Jul 2013

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15:25 Friday 19 Jul 2013

It's been a glorious week, hasn't it? The sun's been shining constantly, the mercury's been nudging 30 and the nation's beer gardens are full to bursting with slightly-too-pink people making the most of the best summer we've had for what seems like about nine million years.

And if, like me, you're planning on leaving behind the un-air-conditioned office behind this weekend and heading for the coast, you'll be needing an appropriate set of wheels.

Luckily, MINI has revealed a trio of new campervan-style attachment concepts which it describes as "overnight solutions for the weekend warrior."

The first, the Clubvan Camper, is a single-bed luxury campervan designed for an individual on a weekend away. Based on the standard Clubvan, the Camper gets a miniature extendable kitchenette with a propane stove and a chest fridge. There's also a built-in telly, a sunroof, extra storage and an auxiliary heater.

Secondly, the Countryman ALL4 Camp is described by the company as a "getaway car for an adventurous couple, evoking images of African safari and expedition vehicles." Marketing bumf aside, the ALL4 Camp is essentially a Countryman with a tent on the roof, providing accommodation for two people. You don't get any of the clever gadgets you get on the Clubvan Camper but the tent folds away neatly into a roof box and you get a bicycle rack.

Finally, the MINI Cowley is a "compact yet comfortable caravan for two people" and is equipped with two sleeping berths, a twin-burner gas stove, a water tank with a pump and sink facility, a 230-volt connection to power the fridge and a TV with a DVD player.

Unfortunately, MINI claims the vehicles are purely concept studies and there are no plans to put the cars on sale.


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