Buyer of Jimmy Savile's Rolls-Royce 'gutted' by recent allegations | Car Talk - Car News Oct 2012

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11:59 Friday 01 Mar 2013

How's about that, then?

A man who bought Jimmy Savile's Rolls-Royce has found out that the car is now worth less than half what he paid for it, following the allegations of abuse by the star.

Sir Jimmy's Roller was auctioned back in July, and was snapped up by a scrap dealer for £160,000; however, the recent accusations surrounding the late DJ mean that the car is now worth significantly less than that.

The owner of Savile's Rolls-Royce, who asked not to be identified, told Sky News: "I don't want to be associated with it. I'm just gutted because all of this should have come out before hand."

The owner had originally planned to hire the car out for weddings and -- wait, it gets better -- children's parties. His only hope now is to sell the car without the celebrity provenance, which means that it could fetch as little as £50,000.

With Savile's name attached to the car, it could be impossible to sell at all, rendering it worthless.

To add insult to injury, the owner has just spent £8,000 repairing the car: "I've never even driven it," he said. "I bought it, they delivered it, I had it picked up, they took it to Surrey for servicing and it's still there."

The owner also revealed why he wants his name kept secret -- he hasn't told his wife that he bought the car.

"She'd absolutely kill me, I'd get thrown out," he said. "Probably she knows deep down, but I've just got to deny it because I wouldn't get away with this one."


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