Used Infiniti Cars for Sale

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16,246 miles
CarSupermarket.Com Birmingham 11 miles from from WS10
2018 Infiniti Q30 Hatchback
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Infiniti is a Japanese brand that is part of Nissan. Outside the Japanese market, Nissan uses Infiniti as the brand for its range of premium cars. Infiniti struggled to break into the UK market and pulled out of sales in 2020.

The Infiniti brand was first introduced in 1989 in the US. Devised by Nissan, it was to appeal to a more executive market than their more mainstream vehicles were able to do. At the time there were restrictions by the Japanese government on exports to the US, so it was more profitable to sell premium cars. Both, Honda and Toyota took a similar approach developing Acura and Lexus respectively. 

In the early 2000’s with sales struggling and Japanese companies feeling the effects of the 1990s banking crisis, Infiniti almost faced extinction. Nissan introduced models that were already considered luxury in their home market to the Infiniti brand, such as the Skyline based G35 in 2003.

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