Used Lamborghini Cars for Sale

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Lamborghini is an Italian car manufacturer, most associated with the production of high-performance expensive cars and supercars.

Founded in 1963 by the Italian industrialist Ferruccio Lamborghini, the company was established with the intention of producing high-performance grand touring cars to rival those of similar automobile manufacturers such as Ferrari.

In just four short months, the Lamborghini 350 GTV was designed and built ready to be unveiled at the 1963 Turin Motor Show. After gaining a host of positive reviews, the car was reworked for production in 1964 – set to be renamed the 350 GT. This opening model was a huge success and proved to be the basis for a series of vehicles that were some of the most innovative and impressive sports cars the world had ever seen.

The company is well known for its association with the world of bullfighting. Ferruccio Lamborghini himself is a Taurus and the company emblem displayed on each Lamborghini is a bull. Furthermore, many of the models are named after different elements of the sport - the Miura after the renowned breeder and the Murcielago and Reventon both after famous bulls.

Today, the company is owned by Audi, as part of the Volkswagen group.

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